Our Love


Our Love
by Carl Josehart

born into turbulent times
pushed from Eden
into a troubled world
I see the light of hope glimmering in your eyes
like stars twinkling on the far horizon
perched on the shores of our life’s ocean
from time before you know
our love goes with you

blissfully unaware
you sleep in my arms
I see so much of me in you
you are only beginning to recognize me
setting sail on your unchartered voyage
our love goes with you

tradition and faith
sexton to reckon a course
by heaven’s twinkling orbs
compass to point direction
towards the shores of the promised land
across oceans of diaspora
like a flag flown on high
our love goes with you

together we will watch you
navigate your own ship
chart courses
pray for you when storms rage
wait for you during lonely nights on a dark sea
our eyes will meet gazing at the same stars
from both sides of the far horizon
our love goes with you

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